Ministry Leaders Meeting Minutes
MLM December 2018
Meeting was called to order at 12:30pm by Rev. Lameteria Hall. The opening prayer was given by Re, Jeanette Gatewood-Johnson. The Daily Inspiration was read by Van Johnson. Ministry updates were provided this month from Multimedia, Bridges, JCTS Registration, Harmony Bookstore, Ushers/Hostesses, Optimal Health, Special Services, Spiritual Arts, Prayer Ministry, Youth, and Music/Choir Ministries.
MLM November 2018
Forgive our lapse! We will post these minutes soon!
MLM October 2018
Meeting was called to order at 12 noon by Rev. Lameteria Hall who also did the opening prayer. The Daily Inspiration was read by Sheila Troy. Ministry updates were provided this month from Bridges, JCTS Registration, Harmony Bookstore, Special Services, Spiritual Arts, Youth, and Music/Choir Ministries.
MLM September 2018
Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by Rev. Lameteria Hall. The opening prayer was a song by Karen Drucker, “I Start My Day with Love.” The Daily Inspiration was read by the entire group in attendance. Ministry updates were provided this month from Ushers/Hostesses, Special Services, Prayer Ministry, and the Choir Ministry.
MLM August 2018
During the month of August we typically skip the Ministry Leaders meeting. This year was no exception. Even though Ministry Leaders do not meet in this month, August still was very busy! We will see you in September!
MLM July 2018
Meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by Rev. Lameteria Hall. The opening prayer was conducted by Rev. Bernette Jones. The Daily Inspiration was read by Sheila Troy. Ministry updates were provided this month from Multimedia, Bridges, JCTS Registration, Harmony Bookstore, Prosperity, Ushers/Hostesses, Spiritual Arts, Prayer Ministry, and the Youth Ministry.